Filly Wiki
Castle of Teymon
Castle of Teymon (Sammelband)
Region Filly Kingdom
Native Filly type Princess
Residents Lady Rowena
Sir Glory
Other names Schloss Mondhausen Lang-DE
Лунный Дом; Замок Мондхаузен Lang-RU
Castello di Teymon Lang-IT

A location in the Filly Kingdom. Home to Lady Rowena and Sir Glory. Rumor has it that a secret passage is hidden under the walls of the castle, leading to the underground cave where Lady Rowena and Sir Glory arrange celebrations.

In Filly Sammelband 2012...[]

'True to its name, this castle has a crescent moon on the turret. The castle is idyllically situated far away from the daily hustle and bustle'.

Interesting facts[]

As seems to be the case with other name patterns of Princess toy line's locations, Russian name is very close to German, while Italian name is identical to English.

Castle of Teymon

From the official site
