Filly Wiki
Region Crystalia
Native Filly type Unicorn
Residents Dash
Miracle (unicorn)
Princess Sparkle
Queen Nieva
Other names Иридия Lang-RU
Summer Iridia

The regular lineup, which usually counts only Sparkle.

Iridia is the central floating island of Crystalia, and its tower functions as the center destination of all of the rainbows that lead between Crystalia's islands. Its symbol is a multicoloured gem.

This island is home to the Unicorn princess, Princess Sparkle. Additionally, Fortuna and Varita live here based on pictures from the Sammelband pages.

Ice Iridia

The Ice Unicorn lineup for Iridia.

Three ice unicorns are also listed with Iridia as their home place: Dash, Miracle, and Queen Nieva. Despite Nieva's high rank, she is considered the ruler of Glacia and not Iridia, so Sparkle remains the leading Filly of Iridia. On the flipside, this means that Iridia is not home to the leader of one, but two leaders of different Filly areas.

Islands connected with Iridia[]

As of Filly Ballerina[]

Iridia's tower receives 'neighbours' in face of Swan Palace (its first and only subregion), Swan Wheel, as well as heart shaped lake with swans in it (but only on the flyer).
All of this came to the light from the 'hidden world' of Crystalia thanks to one adventure of Sparkle with Rose, Loki, Cory and Zara.
Sparkle performs there herself, too.

In Goliath's re-release of Filly Unicorn (2018)[]

Sparkle's tower looks very different, namely, it sports the design that's heavily copied from Flower Tower (Butterfly).
It's present on both printed advertisements of the release (on magazine's pages), new flyer and package where blind bags of the line can be found.

New Unicorn Tower

Official descriptions[]

From MyFilly site[]

  • "Iridia is the island at the very centre of Crystalia. Princess Sparkle lives here in her beautiful tower."

Fom the flyers[]

Russian flyer of 'Filly Unicorn' toy line has almost the same text except for adding one little detail: the tower of Princess Sparkle is tall, according to it.
