Filly Wiki
Hören und Malen 1

The book cover with the story CD inside. Don't worry if the text looks small, the file is huge enough to look through comfortably.

Filly Fairy: Hören & Malen is a combined audio book and painting activity book. The audio book was distributed on a CD, and was released in 2012. It is only known to have been released in Germany, necessitating a page headliner translation on the Filly Wiki.


The story takes place in the "Filly Fairy land", and the blurb claims that you should "be there", when Pixie and Echo have a magic duel, or when Titania mysteriously pulled up the missing berries.

The stated aim is to listen to the story and paint in the book. If this is meant to be done at the same time for increased effect, it seems a bit unfair to expect of even the best book painters out there.

Credits on the CD surface[]

  • Story writers: Ulrich Magin, Susanne Noll
  • Narrator: Melina Rost
  • Recording studio: Clarity Studio Berlin