Filly Wiki
Water Palace
Egmont magazine, issue 11/2022
Egmont magazine, issue 11/2022
Region Papillia
Native Filly type Butterfly
Residents Jack
(most editions + magazine)

Scarlet (visiting)
(Glitter 2023 edition)

(Rainbow 2024 edition)
Other names Wasserpalast Lang-DE Водяной Дворец, Магический замок воды Lang-RU
Castello Acqua Lang-IT
Водний Палац Lang-UA

The Water Palace is an area in Papillia. It is home to the Water Group, and was much later retconned and expanded to become the entrance bay terminal for visitors coming to Papillia. The water lake used for vehicle docking is also used by Jack and Splash for sailing boats and diving down from sailing boats respectively, probably causing some conflicts of interests.

It has a café run by Victoria, who is just as fond of pranks as the other members of the house, including serving cupcakes made of wood.

From Sammelband 2015's section for Water Family[]

Did you know? If you want to visit this family in the Water Palace, you must either be able to swim well or be able to fly.
The Fillys have come up with something for everyone else: small gondolas are available as ferries. With them you can easily sail across the lake.

Interesting facts[]

  • The Palace's structural similarity to the Star Palace has been noted in official material.

Featured on image from MyFilly
